2/27/00 - Uploaded 94 more Screenshots. This batch finishes off all the Sidescrolling games like Super Mario Bros, Strider etc.

2/22/00 - Added Cart scans for: Bump N Jump, Double Dare, Palamedes, Sqoon, Terra Cresta, Wall Street Kid. Also Box scans for Astyanax & Hudson Hawk and Box/Cart scans for Space Shuttle Project. New Game Poster scan for Astyanax also added.

2/20/00 - Added a new section to the Nes Archive: Game Poster scans. Also uploaded 15 more Screenshots

2/15/00 - Fixed the links to the N box/cart scans.

2/13/00 - Whahooooo!!!!! I got Stadium Events!!!!! Cost me $3.50.... Anyways along with Stadium Events, I added Cart scans for Barker Bill's Trick Shooting, Street Fighter 2010, Swamp Thing and Ultimate Basketball. Also added Box/Cart for Great Waldo Search, Power Punch 2 and Rescue The Embassy Mission.

2/12/00 - Uploaded Cart scans for Contra, Final Fantasy, Legend Of Zelda (Gold), Mike Tyson's Punchout, Shingen The Ruler, Tecmo Baseball, Zelda 2 Adventure Of Link. Got these from my friend John, thanks! Also added a new Contest Of The Month, for a nes system from Funcoland. Added a new Acclaim Game Ad scan. Oh yeah, moved the January news to the old news section.

2/10/00 - Added a new link to the Ultimate Game Gurus website, go check it out.

2/3/00 - Man, started school this week so my life is hectic again...... Well the winner of this month's contest was Cinema. Congratulations, he gets the set of Castlevania carts. I also will be giving Sl1me, the 2nd place winner, his choice of one cart from the Castlevania series.


7-99 | 10-99 | 11-99 | 12-99
1-00 | 2-00 | 3-00 | 4-00 | 5-00 | 6-00 | 8-00 | 9-00