3/29/00 - Replaced Game Ad Scans for Tiny Toons Cartoon Workshop by Konami, WWF Wrestlemania Steel Cage Challenge. Also added new scan for Spider-Man Return Of The Sinister Six by LJN.
3/25/00 - I got another complete Wisdom Tree game today - Sunday Funday. The Box/Cart Scans for this and for Rc Pro-Am & Gauntlet (Unlicensed Version) were added to the archive. Poster Scan of Gauntlet (Unlicensed) was added, I also added anchors to the poster html while I updated it. Replaced Game Ad Scans for Game Genie by Galoob, Bill & Ted's Video Game Adventure by LJN. Also added new ad of Smash TV by Acclaim.
- Mike submitted a score of 7210 for the
Contest Of The Month.
3/23/00 - Replaced larger Game Ad Scans for Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge by Acclaim; Game Genie by Galoob; Hook by Imagesoft; Wolverine by LJN; Turbo Touch 360 by Triax; Nightshade by Ultra. Also added new scans for Roger Clemens MVP Baseball, Terminator 2 by LJN; Paperboy by Mindscape; Pirates!, Star Trek 25th Anniversary by Ultra. I also added some anchor tags in the html code, this should make the browsing easier.
3/22/00 - Added Cart Scans for Desert Commander, Flintstones The Rescue Of Dino & Hoppy. I also replaced the Megaman 5 scan with a larger one, and added a new Ad Scan for Alien 3.
3/19/00 - Uploaded 24 Screenshots to the archive.
3/18/00 - Added Cart Scans for: A Boy & His Blob, Battle Of Olympus, Batman, Bigfoot, Dragon Power, Faxanadu, Mystic Quest, Othello, Predator, Ski Or Die, Wolverine.
3/17/00 - Finished up the Game Ads section.
3/15/00 - Got my page hosted by Zophar's Domain! I can finally have all my files under one server. Thanks again Zophar. Oh yeah, I extended the Contest Of The Month for one month since no one submitted an entry.
- Athena, Dragon Warrior 2, Laser Invasion, Mad Max, Millipede, Section Z, Stinger,
Time Lord, WWF Wrestlemania, Wrecking Crew, Where's Waldo, Yoshi's Cookie
Cart Scans added to Archive.